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Thread: ~ Ideas for Album Cover ~

  1. #1
    Lªýðéé |{

    ~ Ideas for Album Cover ~

    wa gwan! kk my albums gonna be out around early 2005 or like in the summer 2005, i thought of calling my album Pimpette but i just cant think of a good cover......any ideaz? Nuff Luv, Luv xXx Laydee k xXx

  2. #2
    better than legendary Neruda II's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Battle Record
    Yeah, try throwing your computer out your window and then take a picture of it.

    It's fullproof.
    murder murder

  3. #3
    thats kinda crude Sharp......girls dont do that... (no offense) but thats kinda for nerds and action geeks....

    we more into stuff like pretty pink princesses ROFLMAO -yea right-

    yo Lªýðéé |{ wats yo ~real~ name maybe you could do somethin like nina sky and name it after yo'self....or like ciara and name it after yo single....juz some options....

  4. #4
    no....dont bother im sure no one will buy it with a name like that

  5. #5
    wtf you have 11 posts. go make your self useful. fuck your cover textcees dont make albums

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