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Thread: A Disciple's Thread

  1. #1906

    Re: A Disciple's Thread

    Let’s just get this straight… I am mentally ill… you are fucking with my head, my phone, my credit cards… I’m being stalked by cars I don’t even know and you are playing against my mental illness like I am some joke or game. You’re power doesn’t Impress me - you’re money make me sick - and when you finally show your wack ass face - I’m going to ask the police if I can mill you in front of them

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    I’ll go to jail for it EASY!

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    I am losing my mind medically and you are purposely making that faster then it has to be

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    I don’t know why they let you torture me legally but im going to find out

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    I promise you the day will come that you never breathe again too

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    Let me guess… you don’t believe in heaven or hell or life after death either right?

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    You’re MY fucking bitch and I’m a let you be everyone’s bitch too

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    I’m polite… you stepped to the wrong bitch though

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    There’s a reason why they hate me… only a weak man can’t stand to see a strong bitch

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    As a rape victim would I let them… yeah… I would

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    Fuck what you heard… I’m only a nice person to people who are nice to me

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    And when I ever wasn’t it was because I didn’t have a clue who they were or what they were doing

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    I know now…

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    Pac it would finally break my heart for good if it’s you or you have anything to do with this too
    As much as I hallucinate and see him…
    I’m willing to take that chance

  2. #1907

    Re: A Disciple's Thread

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    Nah I’m not lining up your defense… you knew they did that to me on Whitlock?

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    Nope lol

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    Sec parties are irrelevant especially if they all willingly participated and were legal adults… thats for the suv and thanks

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    My ex put the down payment on it… I made they payments and my other ex made the payments when I lost my job and had to reestablish in nc then he gave the truck back to me

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    I lost my conviction and will and don’t know how to get it back

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    Seriously guys check my ig… does that man look familiar - he pretended to be a cop and shot me up in the ambulance

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    The time I was beat bloody

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    That I have all the paperwork on too

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    Just in case you didn’t think pac as an angel isn’t still alive

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    We would’ve had 3 more kids but we lost Hollins

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    We all the links in the chain of mankind - and you freaks are really scaring me

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    Since I was concealed in my room after my shirt and jeans were soaked in red - it just might be related idk

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    Cause all eyes were at the funeral

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    If they’re bothering you just reach them how to do something or something you good at and they’ll go away until the next year - it means your ass is tagged and you better behave

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    Teach them*

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    If you talk to them you even get friends

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    I would’ve told him not run in the casino when they came in on him - they were just checking who was guilty and if you run your done they come in worse

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    I buck back and we all laugh

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    Hell isn’t always so bad
    As much as I hallucinate and see him…
    I’m willing to take that chance

  3. #1908

    Re: A Disciple's Thread

    Where did my silent lucidy go? Why you all do that?!?) take posts down and stuff

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    Was that the suicide note Ray and Linda was talking about?

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    Was that your threat bitch? Whose threat?

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    I know that’s his fam… like what 10 years later?

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    I caught your cousin doing dope homie

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    Embarrassed, humiliated, the psychotic breaks were real… and why nobody just told me?

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    Defiled is more like it

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    I’m letting getting shot go but won’t again… Im more concerned about some low life scum bitches getting my free will and want to and need to know they will never sleep walk or hypnotize me again

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    They stole it but idk how or why

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    Didn’t think things like that were even possible

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    Nah you wake up driving with shit coming out your vv and ass and tell me how YOU feel?

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    Sentenced not served for you… you go thru what ever you got coming to you cause I didn’t deserve it

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    What go around come around right?

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    I called yp the bitch that was pretending to be my best friend to ask her why I thought ti only got 5 years and she laughed said she was with her family and hung up type bitch

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    I didn’t even know we were fighting - last I knew I called her to wire me $20

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    Obviously she didn’t need me no more

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    I learn slow especially when they all pretend to be your best friends

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    If you don’t act like that you don’t think like that

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    He showed me the pic like here bitch I got this one too

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    Then to be reduced to some 100 clicks to take a picture when you’re being tortured like the shit so petty compared

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    Dumb shit like red paint outside my door or feathers around my bed or my college degree missing when I’m being legally raped and tortured and the police and drs won’t even check?

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    Got to jail hoe or criminal mental where socios and serial rapists belong

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    Then you bitches try to blame 50?!??! You done did really lost your minds huh?

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    They put flex name on the blue tooth they were using too

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    My apt was wired by their audio but my dad looked and couldn’t find it either - it’s just hypno guys don’t worry they can’t do it to you too

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    And some above the law twisted bitches

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    And then they say cause I opened my own doors for them it’s ok or wanted… nah we will show you how

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    I hope they get the needle to be honest but doubt that they will

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    Torture is twisted and sick especially laughing about it too

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    Cause I called the da and it was gang force tactic

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    Backing the FUCK on out at least trying to and made a hiding spot for the kids - my team kill snitches

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    Why I’m letting the shooting go

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    Glitched the fuck out… I am legit mentally ill and been in treatment since I was in 5th grade

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    My parents fought a lot

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    Nah I do prefer to just sit here talking to myself in my own world now

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    They want to change that too

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    I realize something was going on that everyone knew but me now

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    And that they still won’t stop fucking with my head or phone

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    I know my father drank himself to death before telling me too

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    I know I didn’t leave my drink and that the other friend that pretended to be my best friend freaked out over whose coffee was whose before she pretended to have a head ache while I went down to the bar to find out what’s there to do there

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    My phone was fucking with me and randomly lets me cash app or not and then put my exes name on the screen

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    That’s why I flipped out tonight too

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    Pay me then leave me the fuck alone

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    I didn’t remember a mother fucking thing at the time but do remember getting nervous and getting up and the guy next to me grabbing my arm while the other came in from the dining room and grabbed my other one right there in the hotel bar

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    But I could’ve sworn there was 3 of them outside by the pool and only 2 in the stairwell again

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    I have no clue where my $330 went and just shook it all off as another manic episode

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    My sister put it together but my friend said that it was impossible that I was drugged and raped

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    And robbed

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    The bitch wouldn’t even take me home - my father and ex came to get me

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    I could’ve sworn my exes car was at the halt way point but when my dad got there I finally passed out

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    Just thought it was another psychosis

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    Is that why they think I’m not mentally ill?

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    It’s not my religion and I refuse to let them force me to feel like them or roll with them like that now too

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    Ain’t nobody but me ever stood up for me when I fucked yp… stand by your fucking self too

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    Nah weird shit only happened around them while they’d make a joke of my mental illness and had me committed for fun by either calling my parents or the police

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    Don’t miss a mother fucking beat

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    Just time

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    Someone in the woods is talking right now… are they trying to shoot me again?

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    It’s probably just a speaker

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    And they do this in front of EVERYBODU and NOBODY helps me

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    Including the Raleigh courtroom

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    Even if I wasn’t already mentally ill which I was I would be now and they did that on purpose too

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    I have fucking brain atrophy now form all the breaks but nah that’s the drugs I was hardly even ever on to begin with

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    I love sniffing coke… it helps me to think and be happy but now they forced me to quit that too

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    You have all that money to fuck with me but keep me broke that I was 20 cents short and couldn’t get a nip like every fucking day… I have no fucking money and they won’t let me function and work

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    Why can’t I have money too?

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    My GMA must’ve died hating me she didn’t leave me a dime

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    I know now she know the truth

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    I can never live alone again - do you know what that feels like?

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    I can’t even remember the conversation I’m having when still in the conversation - I have to stop and ask what we were talking about

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    I miss coke A LOT

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    I had to quit cause my bf told my mom

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    I’m back in program for eitght fucking weeks

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    It’s only good cause I’m helping my mom more around the house - prior I o was some lazy bitch who thanks god when I’m able to clean my own room

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    I’m reminded daily how much my mother pays for me too

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    I had a life… a good life… why do they refuse to stop coming for me?

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    They won’t let me get a new life

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    One day someone will hear me, pay me, and let me salvage the rest of my life

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    It better be while my mind is still here now too

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    I have so much rage that it scares me when it even peeps out

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    Because I had chlamydia but never had unprotected sex - it’s never over

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    Everytime I think I’m fucking safe again here they go

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    It’s been good for some months now

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    That’s why I hate fat boy

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    Once again someone pretending to be my best friend

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    I go to the Dr every 3-6 months just to make sure I’m healthy and safe and not hit from the prior

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    You don’t know war until it comes to swap spit and I deserve to know who did that to me

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    I have school tomorrow but know I’m not going to be able to sleep tonight either

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    Do you understand what it feels like in here? In my own body?

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    Cause they started the twisted shit again

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    He showed me a pic with my pants down like here bitch I got that pic too… ain’t no way in hell would I ever pull off my pants in front of that man

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    But shot in underwear ok but then they say it’s my own fault when I’m slow just trying to figure out wtf is going on and how to stop it

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    Why do I have to go sober though?

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    Can’t even have a fucking nip without my bf talking shit

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    I don’t want to live like that
    As much as I hallucinate and see him…
    I’m willing to take that chance

  4. #1909

    Re: A Disciple's Thread

    That’s the man that pretended to be police but didn’t have a cop car and came in the ambulance and shot me up with someone when I died at Rex…. Somebody beat me up in my own home

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    Something* I started seeing neon

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    I was texting my Nelson and took a pic while typing is my home safe again

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    Dead man talking either way… its not the bath tub in my own home so fuck it I can’t be scared anymore

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    My sister and my brother got the book smart… I got the street smart

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    My boyfriend hates that I fight like a man when I’m mad (not physically but verbally but if he get physical I can fight too but he would never hit me)

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    I stopped fighting back and don’t know why

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    Been beating up boys since 6 west ��

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    I did get in a fight when I was pregnant

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    Part of the reason why I know I was pregnant is they just escorted me to my room for lock down… instead of dragging and drugging me and tying me down like they did when DM got in a fight the next day… probably related that was my boy

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    I was in the corner at the window away from everybody crying and he came up to me and said I just wanted attention - I effed him UP LMAO

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    Nah I don’t like people to see me cry

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    My brother taugyt me how to fight I practiced on my sister lol

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    She used to kick my ass until one day

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    I used to watch a lot of kung fu movies too

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    It’s why thy tied me but the bitch who did fight as good or even better than me so I don’t understand why

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    She kept it on the low until she whoooed Ns ass in food bag and me and c fell out laughing

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    She did used to show off in front of Corey a lot

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    Maybe she had crush on him… that was like a little brother to me too

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    And I LOVE his gf Sarah… she’s someone I want my daughter to be like

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    Probably wife now

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    As guilty as we looked we never even had a kiss and she trusted that and both of us which is why I respect her and want my daughter to have a love and esteem that strong too

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    I miss Corey ��

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    Now I know why I told him about Ced when he was in jail

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    For my baby… I’ll take that hit any day

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    I know now we had that riot too LMFAO

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    I know in my heart the judge knew what we did and how we got thru it too… I love her for that

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    You don’t always have to go to jail to learn a lesson and never do it again

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    My dad was the king of that

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    For me… my brother not so much lol

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    I only say my sister get it once… she od’d and her friends left her in the driveway and my dad almost ran over her going to work… he dragged her thru the house up 2 flights of stairs by her hair and I think he took her bedroom door off too

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    She was sober before she got pregnant with my nephew while in aa his sperm donor was too and she never relapsed

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    I’m having a hard time quitting… I went 10 days and then the day before hit - I don’t understand it either - I never had this problem before
    As much as I hallucinate and see him…
    I’m willing to take that chance

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